Woodturning course

As an elementary natural raw material, wood has been used for over 400,000 years in all areas of life and in all situations: in construction, for furniture production, as a packaging material, in paper production, as a basic chemical material, for energy production or as a raw material for the production of pens. The material is not only beautiful, but also particularly sustainable.

A piece of wood, like the processor itself, has a very individual history. It has grown and been exposed to changing influences, has reacted to them, has adapted. It has suffered damage, wounds and scars. This has given it - as well as its processor - an individual character and made it unique. Wood has a personality.

Our woodturning course deals with the processing of this beautiful material.

The woodturning course teaches

  • Basic concepts of woodturning
  • What can you make out of wood?
  • Production of small gifts according to abilities and time invested
  • Cleaning or restoring older furniture
  • Production of small furniture parts

Further information on „Woodturning course“


Studentenwerk Dresden
Course instructor Claudia Behnisch, master woodturner


from 23.10. to 04.12.2024 every Wednesday between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. clock, course time: 3 hours

There are 7 course days. Attendance of at least 5 course days is foreseen.


Woodturning workshop
Student hall Zellescher Weg 41a
Rear entrance cellar


Students 40,00 € for 5 course days (8,00 € per course day)
Non-students 60,00 € for 5 course days (12,00 € per course day)

If more than 5 course days are completed, the fee increases by 8,00 € / 12,00 € per additional course day.


The course is unfortunately fully booked.