Mensa Johanna in Dresden

The canteen is located on the 1st floor of the newly constructed building on the Johannstadt campus, alongside several laboratories and a library.

Not only does the canteen serve the students and staff of Dresden's Public Vocational Academy (StA DD), as well as those attending the Christian College (EHS), but it also has been welcoming more and more students from nearby departments of the TU Dresden, along with frequent visitors from the neighbouring Fine Arts Academy (HfbK).

The canteen Mensa Johanna has established itself as a central point in student life on the Johannstadt campus.

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General information

Address:Marschnerstraße 38, 01307 Dresden
Offers:2 complete meals, theme buffet including pizza, pasta, wok and grill, salad bar, snack assortment, soup offer, vegetables and side dishes
Food servings per day:nearly 750
Seating:225 seats in the canteen
42 seats in the loggia
History:Opened on May 16, 2011.

Opening hours and events Mensa Johanna

In the following overview you will find the opening and closing times including current changes.

Mensa Johanna - Currently changed opening hours

Schließzeiten21.12.24 - 05.01.25Liebe Gäste,

es ist Soweit!
Wir sagen "DANKE" und möchten uns bei Ihnen herzlich für Ihre Treue und das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen bedanken.
Für die kommenden Feiertage wünschen wir Ihnen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

Ihr Team der Johanna

Mensa Johanna - Regular opening hours

MittagstischMo - Fr 11:00 - 14:00 Uhr
ÖffnungszeitenMo - Fr 10:00 - 14:15 Uhr

The following table lists the current and upcoming campaign weeks of the Mensa Johanna.

Mensa Johanna - Current and future campaigns

Currently there are no information about campaigns available.

Contact persons for Mensa Johanna

The following table lists the contact person for the Mensa Johanna in Dresden.
For inquiries, praise or criticism, please use our central contact form.


Victoria Berta

Tel.: +49 351 3127742

Map of Mensa Johanna