MiO - Mensa im Osten in Görlitz
General information
Address: | Furtstraße 1a, 02826 Görlitz |
Food servings per day: | up to 500 |
History: | Opened on September 11, 2006 |
Opening hours and events MiO - Mensa im Osten
In the following overview you will find the opening and closing times including current changes.
MiO - Mensa im Osten - Regular opening hours
Mittagstisch Semester | Mo - Fr 11:00 - 14:00 Uhr | |
Öffnungszeiten Semester | Mo - Fr 09:30 - 14:00 Uhr |
The following table lists the current and upcoming campaign weeks of the MiO - Mensa im Osten.
MiO - Mensa im Osten - Current and future campaigns
Currently there are no information about campaigns available. |
Contact persons for MiO - Mensa im Osten
The following table lists the contact person for the MiO - Mensa im Osten in Görlitz.
For inquiries, praise or criticism, please use our central contact form.
Objektverantwortlicher Küchenleiter
Torsten Christoph
Tel.: +49 3583 688132