Possibilities for financial support
If you find yourself in a financial or social emergency during your studies, you can get help from the Social Counseling Service of the Studentenwerk. Even if you are a student expecting a child and have only a low income, we can help you.
We would like to point out that any form of financial assistance is granted exclusively within the framework of counseling sessions. Please contact the Social Counseling Service to make an appointment:
Social Counseling ServiceThe following types of support are possible:
With a free meal card, you can take advantage of all offers in any canteen or cafeteria of the Studentenwerk Dresden up to the amount of the loaded credit.
More about free meal cardsGuideline for awarding free meal cards (German PDF)
Application for a free meal card (PDF)
Financial aid for students in temporary social need will be provided within the limits of available monies from the Social Fund.
Guideline for awarding financial aid for students in need (German PDF)Application for financial aid for students in need (PDF)
The aid is a financial support for the time of pregnancy and is granted depending on income. The amount of the pregnancy allowance is €200 plus a free meal card worth €50 for the canteens and cafeterias of the Studentenwerk.
Guideline for awarding aid for pregnant students (German PDF)Application for aid for pregnant students (PDF)
Upon application, the Studentenwerk grants a financial loan to students who do not or no longer receive support under BAföG.
More about graduation loans