Subletting Exchange - Offer 1118

General infomation about the offer
posted on:22.01.2025
valid until:19.02.2025
viewed:1355 times
Details about student hall and room
Student hall:Hochschulstraße 48 in Dresden
Type of Room:Ein-Bett-Zimmer in 3er WG/vollmöbliert
Size in m²:16.6
Gender of current tenant:female
Room is free from
(possible from 1st September 2021 at the earliest):
Room is free until:14.05.2025
Further costs:5 EUR for WIFI and 6 EUR for Radio Tax
Kitchen:kitchen to share
Bathroom:shower/bath to share
Other:balcony/ terrace, Internet access, elevator
Wishes for the subtenant:only women


Use the following form to contact the offeror. Please write in German if possible.
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