Extension of the tenancy agreement
The Saxon state parliament has passed a Corona-related amendment to the Saxon Higher Education Freedom Act.
Accordingly, the individual standard period of study of all students for the summer semester 2020, the winter semester 2020/21, the summer semester 2021 and the winter semester 2021/22 will be extended by one semester each by law.
Since tenancy agreements in the hall of residence are generally limited until the regular end of a first degree program, this may also have an effect on the duration of residence. However, the extension of the lease does not happen automatically, but must be applied for by the tenant at least three months before the lease expires.
If you are applying for an extension for the above reason, please enclose the relevant supporting documents:
- TU students please submit the "Bescheinigung(s) über die individuelle Verlängerung der Regelstudienzeit" for the semester(s) in question.
- The matriculation certificates of the other universities already show an extended standard period of study.
The General Terms of the Tenancy Agreement provide the following rules concerning occupancy under point 3:
§ 3 Duration of tenancy
(1) Eligibility for accommodation is generally limited until the end of the regular period of study. Lease extension is possible upon application, provided that all conditions according to article 1, paragraph 1 or 2 are met and the demand for accommodation of students within the regular period of study, particularly first-year students is covered.
A renewal application must be submitted at least three months before the contract expires, but no earlier than nine months before expiry. Please submit the application online in the tenant portal:
To the tenant portalAMB §11 Duration and termination of the tenancy agreement
(3) In well-founded circumstances the tenancy agreement can be extended according to the General Terms of Use. A respective application has to be submitted to the Studentenwerk Dresden at latest three months before the tenancy agreement expires. Please give reasons for the extension of the tenancy agreement (certificates required) and clearly indicate for how long you wish to extend the agreement.
Upon good cause shown the extension of the tenancy agreement for a summer semester is usually unproblematic. As we can never meet the housing demand of all first-year students at the beginning of a winter semester the extension of a tenancy agreement beyond the regular period of study for a winter semester is rather unlikely. Since every decision is a single-case decision it is nevertheless always advisable to request extension of the tenancy agreement (please dont forget to give reasons for the request academic progress report ) anyway.