Student hall Wohnheim D in Zittau


Photo Wohnheim D


Schliebenstraße 27, 02763 Zittau


near the university


Accommodation units

Type of room Capacity (152) Size Rent
One-bed room in 2-person shared flat/fully furnished 42 11 - 16m² 261 EUR
One-bed room in 3-person shared flat/fully furnished 27 12 - 16m² 251 EUR
One-bed room in 4-person shared flat/fully furnished 4 12 - 17m² 246 EUR
One-bed room in 7-person shared flat/fully furnished 7 16m² 234 EUR
One-bed room in 8-person shared flat/fully furnished 72 16 - 18m² 234 EUR
Returnable deposit 300 EUR
Renovation 2005
Facilities Washing and drying machines (cashless payment), cycle storage, students club DeZiBar e.V., cable TV, Internet connection(Studentenwerk)

360° views

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Photos & plans

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Floor Plans

Here you find examples of the most common housing types in this student hall. Please note that individual units may vary slightly in layout (arrangement of rooms and room size) from those listed on the floor plans.

floor plan plan of unit with 2 rooms
plan of unit with 3 rooms
plan of unit with 3 rooms on roof floor
plan of unit with 8 rooms

Contact persons

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In the overview you can find the phone numbers, email addresses and opening hours of janitor and availability clerk for the residence hall D in Zittau.

Responsible for student accommodation

Contact persons
Ralph Böhm
, +49 3583 6881-58
Times for personal consultations

day of the weekTimes for personal consultations
Tuesday1:00pm - 3:00pm
Thursday9:30am - 12:30pm


Contact persons
Jens Hebestreit
, +49 162 2946101
Times for personal consultations

Monday2:30pm - 3:00pm
Tuesday2:30pm - 3:00pm
Friday11:45am - 12:15pm