Grill Cube in Dresden

After opening the Mensa Zeltschlösschen as a transitional centeen for the Neue Mensa Bergstraße in October 2014, the Studentenwerk now offers a further supply facility in the middle of the campus: A grill cube was built on the meadow behind the auditorium center (HSZ). Here hungry students and university staff can strengthen themselves with solid food and cold drinks.

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General information

Address:George-Bähr-Straße 1A-E, 01069 Dresden

The Grill Cube offers burgers, currywurst, bratwurst, fries, schnitzel-baguettes, bagels and changing special offers.
Drinks include tea, coffee and soft drinks.

Opening hours and events Grill Cube

In the following overview you will find the opening and closing times including current changes.

Grill Cube - Currently changed opening hours

Brückentag geschlossenam 10.05.24Liebe Gäste,

bitte beachten Sie, dass unsere Einrichtung am Freitag, den 10.05.2024, geschlossen hat.

Wir begrüßen Sie zu unseren regulären Öffnungszeiten gern am Montag, den 13.05.2024, wieder.

Grill Cube - Regular opening hours

ÖffnungszeitenMontag - Freitag 09:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr

The following table lists the current and upcoming campaign weeks of Grill Cube.

Grill Cube - Current and future campaigns

Currently there are no information about campaigns available.

Contact persons for Grill Cube

The following table lists the contact person for the Grill Cube in Dresden.
For inquiries, praise or criticism, please use our central contact form.


Lutz Höhne

Tel.: +49 351 479401-12

Map of Grill Cube