Second residence property tax
If you are aiming at registering a secondary residence please be aware of the fact that the city of Dresden has been raising a so-called Second Residence Property Tax since 01.01.2006. The council of the city of Dresden decided upon the "Satzung über die Erhebung einer Zweitwohnsitzsteuer in der Landeshauptstadt Dresden (Zweitwohnungssteuersatzung)" on 24.02.2005 (published in the Dresden official register no. 12/2006, p.9).
After registration with a secondary residence (second home), the tax and city treasury office is informed of the registration by the citizens' office. Thereupon, the tax and city treasury office will send you the "Erklärung zur Zweitwohnungssteuer" (declaration on secondary residence tax). All tenants of rooms in our student halls who have received such a letter must fill it out and return it with a copy of the rental agreement.
If there is no reference to the Second Residence Property Tax/assessment basis on the rental agreement under the total flat rate rent, you need the "Bescheinigung über die Bemessungsgrundlage zur Zweitwohnungssteuer"(Certificate on the assessment basis for Second Residence Property Tax). (All rental agreements issued after 4 August 2020 contain this note).
In our office no. 105, 108 or 115 you will be given the "Bescheinigung über die Bemessungsgrundlage zur Zweitwohnungssteuer" (certificate concerning the base for the Second Residence Property Tax). It is absolutely necessary to attach this document to the official statement sent to you by the tax office.
You may also request the certificate by e-mail. You will then receive the document by post. Please send an e-mail to: