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Latest news about financing

Sozialberatung in Görlitz findet am 22. Januar statt

Am Mittwoch, 22. Januar, können Sie die offene Sprechzeit der Sozialberatung des Studentenwerks Dresden in Görlitz nutzen.

Studentenwerk Dresden präsentiert sich bei Messe KarriereStart

Vom 24. bis 26. Januar findet im Messegelände Dresden die Messe KarriereStart statt. Auch das Studentenwerk Dresden ist mit einem Stand vertreten.

Studentenwerk Dresden sucht Fachbereichsleiter (m/w/d) Marketing

Für unseren Fachbereich Marketing (Geschäftsbereich Kommunikation und Kultur) suchen wir einen Fachbereichsleiter (m/w/d) Marketing.

Studentenwerks-Newsletter - jetzt abonnieren

Immer zu Monatsbeginn bietet das Studentenwerk Dresden mit seinem Newsletter aktuelle Informationen rund um die Themen Mensen, Wohnen, BAföG und mehr.

How can I finance my studies?

“All ends well that is financed well.”

Bertolt Brecht

Studying is about more than just acquiring knowledge. Everything needs financing – from the small to great daily expenses including accommodation, food, textbooks, and free time activities. This means reliable student financing is an important factor in your decision to start studying.

This area of our website will provide you with all the information you need about student financing. Studentenwerk Dresden is the right point of contact for all your questions related to student financing.

Find out more

Questions and answers

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about BAföG and student financing.


Our staff on site

Our staff members are happy to answer your questions at our headquarters.

Contact person

Contact form

Use our contact form to ask your question about BAföG online now.

Contact form

Student jobs

Many students work to finance their studies.

Student jobs

Online survey

The findings of our online survey on BAföG and student financing (only in German).

View the findings

BAföG flyer

Our flyer “BAföG - Mehr Chancen fürs Studium” (only in German) as a PDF

Download the flyer