Daycare SpielWerk


Address of the day care center

Studentenwerk Dresden
Kita SpielWerk
Am Beutlerpark 6
01217 Dresden

Management team

Day-care head: Romy Harazim and Cathleen Weiß


Daycare management: +49 351 4759123
Group 1, 2, 5, 6: +49 351 4720897
Group 3, 4, 7, 8: +49 351 4717125

Contact times

Office hours

Monday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm

Closing times

The days around Christmas and the turn of the year, 2 pedagogical training days, 2 QM days for quality assurance and the day after Ascension Day.

Both daycare centers will be closed from 23.12.2024 to 03.01.2025. Childcare will start again from Monday, 06.01.2025.


Description of the facility

  • up to 180 places for children from approx. 1 year up to school entry
  • 3 nursery groups with an age mix of 1-3 years, 4 family groups for 2-6 years old and a preschool group
  • Age-appropriate group rooms as well as rooms with various functions
  • Large, near-natural outdoor area, which offers possibilities for trying out and exploring

Information event daycare SpielWerk

Within the context of a tour of our house, we introduce you to our day care centre and the contents of our pedagogical work. We will answer your questions about registration, familiarisation, everyday life at the day care centre and all aspects of your child's day care centre.


every second Tuesday of the month from 4:00pm to 5:00pm


Daycare center SpielWerk am Beutlerpark 6 . Meeting point is the entrance Ludwig-Ermold-Straße on the ground floor.


via e-mail

Meal service

  • Full board (breakfast, fruit meal, lunch, snacks and drinks)
  • Labelling of additives and allergens
  • Expanded offer for allergy sufferers and religious or cultural peculiarities

Our pedagogical focuses

Location and accessibility

icon explanation
Icon Information
Icon accessible entrance
Icon conditionally accessible entrance
Icon non-accessible entrance
Icon wheelchair-accessible WC
Icon conditionally wheelchair-accessible WC
Icon non wheelchair-accessible WC
Icon Accessible visitor parking space
Icon Visitor parking space
Icon No parking space
Icon accessible elevator
Icon conditionally accessible elevator
Icon no elevator