Your Position:

Alte Mensa in Dresden

The offer „GRILL“ on Monday, 12.4.2021

Buntes aus unserer Salatwerkstatt, heute: Verschiedene Blattsalate, Tomate, Gurke, Paprika und Frühlingszwiebeln, dazu wahlweise Räuchertofu mit Feigensenf oder Curryhähnchen mit Pfirsich und verschiedene Dressings

Buntes aus unserer Salatwerkstatt, heute: Verschiedene Blattsalate, Tomate, Gurke, Paprika und Frühlingszwiebeln, dazu wahlweise Räuchertofu mit Feigensenf oder Curryhähnchen mit Pfirsich und verschiedene Dressings


Studierende: 2,77 €
Bedienstete: 5,03 €
Externe Gäste: 6,04 €
Rate meal

General information and information about additives and allergens[2]

Weitere Infos:
  • Die Allergene und Zusatzstoffe finden Sie auf unseren Schildern an der Essenausgabe

Details for prices and ingredients:

  1. The indicated prices are valid for students/staff members at the universities of Dresden/Zittau/Görlitz. There is an extra charge to the staff price for external guests. For our locations outside the university area and our partner canteens special rules are applied. To get more information, please check the prices at the locations.
  2. The ingredients data are based on the information which we get from the producers and suppliers. Due to the product diversity there is a possibility of cross-contamination as well as the presence of not listed ingredients in the products. Additionally, the production process in a large canteen includes combination of different foods which leads to the mixing of ingredients and can therefore also result in cross-contamination in this production step. For this reason, we cannot deny that the offered dishes contain ingredients other than listed. The Studentenwerk Dresden therefore the no responsibility for the completeness of the listed ingredients.

On our website you can find more information about Additives, Allergens (FAQ) and Sustainability..