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Menu for Thursday, the 16.5.2024

Please note: Due to strongly varying purchase prices, supply restrictions and purchasing difficulties, our teams in the canteens can currently only publish the menu for one week in advance.

Mensa Matrix in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Zeltschlösschen in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa Siedepunkt in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa Johannstadt in Dresden

Mediterrane Kartoffelgyrospfanne mit Kirschtomaten, Rucola und Paprika , dazu Salat (J)
Rindergeschnetzeltes mit Rote Bete, Gewürzgurken und Rotwein (G, J, L), dazu Kräuterreis
contains beefcontains alcohol
Spirelli (A, A1) mit feuriger Salami- Frischkäsesoße (A, A1, G) und italienischer Hartkäse (G)
contains pork
Tortelloni mit Spinat-Ricottafüllung in Tomatensoße (A, A1, G)
vegetariancontains garlic

Mensa TellerRandt in Tharandt

Gebackene Broccoli Nuggets (A, A1, A3, C, F, G) an Kräutersoße (A, A1, F, G) mit Schwenkkartoffeln und Möhrensalat
Seelachs im Backteig auf Wurzelgemüse im Kräuterrahm (A, A1, D, G, I) mit Schwenkkartoffeln
contains garlic
Nudelpfanne mit Zucchini, Paprika, Champignons und Mais (A, A1)

Mensa U-Boot in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa Palucca Hochschule in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa WUeins in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa Brühl in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa Stimm-Gabel in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa Kraatschn in Zittau

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Mensa Mahlwerk in Zittau

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

MiO - Mensa im Osten in Görlitz

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Grill Cube in Dresden

Hamburger oder Cheeseburger
contains beef
Italian Burger mit Rind, Tomate, Mozzarella und Rucola
contains beef
Currywurst mit milder oder scharfer Soße, dazu Pommes frites (Currywurst mit Brötchen 3,26€/3,51€)
contains pork
Double-Hamburger oder Double-Cheeseburger
contains beef
Unser veganes Angebot: Falafel Burger
vegancontains garlic
Vegane Currywurst mit milder oder scharfer Soße, dazu Pommes frites (mit Brötchen 3,26€/3,51€)

Mensa Sport in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.

Kindertagesstätten in Dresden

Unfortunately, there is no offer on this day.